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On August 16, 2023, Asia Education Group Chairman Yasushi Yano met with H.E. Durga Bahadur Subedi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Nepal to Japan.


International Lawyer Balram (1st left),

Nepali Ambassador to Japan His Excellency Durga Bahadur Subedi (center),

Chairman Yano of the Asia Education Group (1st right)


What we can do for Japan-Nepal international student exchange
Towards the 120th anniversary,


Ambassador Subedi was concerned about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Japanese language education.

Chairman Yano:

From 2020 to 2022, the number of COVID-19 infections increased around the world, and the situation was becoming more serious with no signs of abating. However, we did not stop recruiting international students and supported the study abroad procedures for all applicants who met Japan's regulations, regardless of country.

As Asia Education Group approaches its 13th anniversary, it has a track record of sending approximately 300 students to Japan each year across its five schools, and is particularly focused on recruiting Nepalese international students.

Asia Education Group is honored to be able to carry out educational activities together with excellent students from Nepal.


The reason of Asia Education Group Support for Nepali students

Chairman Yano:

Nepalese people have a similar national character to the Japanese, valuing cooperation and being modest in their self-assertion, and many of them aspire to live and work in Japan. They listen to others attentively, are diligent in their work, and we believe they will be able to contribute to Japanese society, which faces a serious social problem of labor shortages. For this reason, Asia Education Group is actively recruiting Nepalese students, even amid the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to serve as a bridge between Nepal and Japan.



Our mission and vision to become a bridge between Japan and Nepal

Issues and support for Nepalese studying abroad

Chairman Yano:

A Nepalese student consulted our life support teacher about the difficulty of signing a contract to rent a residence because they did not have a guarantor. Therefore, we are focusing on providing student dormitories with the school acting as the guarantor. As a result, there are currently over 200 Nepalese students living in student dormitories.

In the future, we would like to start a volunteer group to support Nepalese people, so we would like to recruit volunteer real estate companies and set up a general incorporated association to support Nepalese people living in Japan.

Specifically, we would like to offer a variety of proposals, including rental guarantee support, problem counseling, rental property maintenance, medical support, lifestyle support, and cultural communication events.




Ambassador Subedi was impressed by the activities of the Asia Education Group and expressed his desire to visit the school and student dormitories.

Chairman Yano:

All the faculty, staff and students of Asia Education Group look forward to seeing you.

Asia Education Group's schools provide meal support activities for all students several times a week.

As there are vegetarian students in Nepal, this event will provide nutritionally balanced vegetarian food free of charge.

We will also be providing dishes that are not available commercially, such as vegetarian nuggets developed in collaboration with a restaurant,

which have been very well received by faculty, staff and students. Please come and join us if you are interested.


Chairman Yano:

The Asia Education Group respects the individuality of each student and works closely with them to understand their hopes and alleviate their anxieties and worries. We hope to continue to give students more hope and actively engage in support activities that contribute to society.


〒135-0031 2nd floor, Tokai Eidai Heights, 1-11-11 Saga, Koto-ku, Tokyo




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